Klovainių skalda


Klovainių skalda, AB was established in 1969. Until 1990, the company operated as the Pakruojis branch of Granitas Association of Road Construction Material Enterprises. In 1992 after regaining the independence, the legal status of Granitas was changed into a public limited liability company. In the same year the state-owned company Klovainių skalda was registered, soon privatized and renamed into Klovainių skalda, AB.

Today the company is one of the largest and financially stable producers and suppliers of crushed granite and dolomite in Lithuania. The main activity of the company is production of certified crushed dolomite, crushed granite, natural dolomite rock and dolomite powder.

The company is a member of Milsa ir Ko Association Aggregates Producers.

Social responsibility

Klovainių skalda, AB follows principles based on transparent and tolerant business practices, a safe, clean and environmentally friendly environment. Standards of quality and activity are implemented in the company's daily operations. On the constant basis, the company contributes to the improvement of the social environment and fosters employee awareness.

The company distinguishes itself by the following features characteristic of socially responsible companies:

  • Transparency (compliance with laws, "clean money", no "backdoor salary");
  • Socially just and clear pay principles, understandable for all employees;
  • Attention to safety and health and working conditions of the employees;
  • Continuous improvement of the mental health climate at work;
  • Compliance with ethical and moral standards at work, no tolerance for any form of discrimination;
  • Employee empowerment and engagement: execution of employee ideas and suggestions;
  • Organization of employee leisure time, promotion of healthy lifestyle and communication improvement.

By implementing the measures mentioned above, we believe in the development of a sustainable business, which cares about our customers, employees and the environment.


Contact info

Klovainių skalda, AB
Legal entity No. 167901031
VAT code: LT679010314


Gamyklos g. 2, Beržinių k., 83209 Pakruojo pšt., Pakruojo r. sav.
Phone: +370 421 44574
E-mail: info@klovainiuskalda.lt

Bank account

Acc. LT16 4010 0456 0004 0275
Luminor Bank AS

Ponas akmuo Klovainių (Pakruojo r.) prekybos aikštelė
Manager of Sales and Sourcing
Phone: +370 421 44 544
Mob. phone: +370 686 797 30
E-mail: klovainiai@ponasakmuo.lt
Kristina Jankauskienė
Office manager and HR supervisor
Phone: +370 421 44574
E-mail: info@klovainiuskalda.lt
Imantas Kuncevičius
Project and innovation manager
Mob. phone: +370 680 39751
E-mail: i.kuncevicius@klovainiuskalda.lt
Gediminas Mozūras
Production Director
Mob. phone: +370 620 17220
E-mail: g.mozuras@klovainiuskalda.lt
Vitolis Urmonas
Mob. phone: +370 686 44534
E-mail: v.urmonas@klovainiuskalda.lt